WhatfettleBradford University


For reasons which are not totally clear to me now, i went to Bradford University. They say you should never go back, we'll this Saturday Jon, Trev and i returned after more than 20 years, for a weekend of memories, beer and curry.

Richmond Building looks much the same:

Richmond Building

as does Daleys Bookshop:

Daleys Bookshop

Q Block, where i lived as a "fresher":

Q Block

This chippy only opened on a weekday lunchtime, so we were amazed to see it still going:

Fish And Chips

They filled in the stairs down into the Computer Centre under the J.B. Priestley library, i somehow doubt they still have the CDC Cyber with async terminals down there:

J B Priestley Library


The Kismet is now "OK's" .. nice curry, but what's the world coming to when you have to ask for chapattis and a side-salad?

Kismit OK

Great Horton Road has been revamped as the new "West End":

New Road Layout

The Alhambra theatre was renovated soon after we graduated:

Alhambra Sign


But the Odeon needs some attention, not least from Ground Force on the roof:

Bradford Odeon Tower

One of my best cinema experiences was seeing Gandhi here with a packed, mainly Asian audience:

Bradford Odeon

The corn exchange is now a bookshop with a Starbucks (boo!) on the top floor:

Corn Exchange

Corn Exchange Bookshop

I ate here once when it was a thriving curry house. ISTR ordering a prawn curry and being served soup with lumps of cheese in it. Halfway through the meal the next table 'did a runner' only to be chased down the road by waiters brandishing hockey sticks! I guess it being opposite the mortuary wasn't that great for business, so RIP, Paradise!


The Shearbridge! How can a pub opposite a university halls of residence go bust?

Shearbridge Pub

Or the slummy Pickwicks go so far down hill?


The excellent Fighting Cock real ale pub was still going great guns though:

Fighting Cocks

Great to see the political graffiti is still going strong:

Fight The Rich Not Their Wars

No trip to Bradford is complete without a trip to the supermarket:

Al Halal

Groovy virtual tours of the university: