WhatfettleEngland Expects

Ingerland Expects

England is currently gripped by Euro2004 football fever.

The flag of St George is flying from every conceivable place:


Flag Back

Which is OK - I find it more akin to the Swedish love of their colours rather than the nationalist tub-thumping brought on by the Union Jack or even the Stars and Stripes.

Flag Bay

Flag Boat

Flag Canal Boat

Flag Car Roof

Flag Car

Flag Hedge Window

Flag Hedge

Flag House

Flag Jag

Flag Jed

Flag Jeds Cap

Flag Lobby

Flag Neighbors

Flags Goat

So i was slightly taken aback when walking into town on Sunday we were confronted by a French invasion:

Flag French

French Market

in the form of a French market .. booo!


Cartoons lifted from Private Eye.