WhatfettleHype Services


I like Edd Dumbill's SOA: Shame on analysts list, but thought new year predictions using the term "the year of web services" went further back than 2002, so a quick search gave 380 odd links, including:

  1. The year 2000 will be the year of Web services

    The year 2000 will be the year of Web services," proclaimed Andy Roberts, CTO of Bowstreet, and first to the podium at Xnet, Boston 1999.

  2. The year 2001 has been the year of Web services.

    Beyond Web Services: Sun ONE and Service in Demand

    Actually not too hypey, but then we have Edd's:

  3. Bowstreet predicts 2002 will be the 'year of web services'

    PORTSMOUTH, NH, October 25, 2001 - Bowstreet (www.bowstreet.com) today hailed the release of Microsoft(R) Windows XP, saying it will help make 2002 the "year of web services."

  4. 2003: The Year of Web Services

    A report from Giga Information Group Inc. of Cambridge, Mass., says Web services technology and related architectures have moved through the "early adopter" phase and will become more mainstream by early 2003.

  5. The stars will align in 2004 to make Web services a significant success story

    A happy confluence of technology and politics has convinced me that this year will be the year when Web services begins to reach critical mass as a low-cost alternative to proprietary middleware

And so it continues ..