WhatfettleSchema Workshop; Mood: Optimistic


Following W3C tradition, we've extended the deadline so this Friday is the new closing day for experience reports for the up and coming W3C Workshop on Schema 1.0 User Experiences. You don't have to attend to submit report, so if you have a story to tell on your use of XML Schema, you've no excuse. Send one in!

There's also been a bit of buzz building around the workshop. Robin Cover has kindly put together an amuse-gueule (actually a great introduction to the problem area) which cites Michael Champion talking up the event nicely on XML-DEV. Michael also added some nauticalesque comments today on Dare Obasanjo's Can XML Web Services Move Beyond the Twin Burdens of XSD and WSDL?. Chris Ferris pointed to the call for participation followed by the nicely wicked Square Peg, Round Hole :-)

Also this week Steve Loughran and Stefan Tilkov are starting to climb the mountain Apline Style. I for one am going to watch them progress and would be best pleased if they considered submitting something to the Workshop.

At home, Jon and I have been putting together a report on behalf of BT where I've been playing a doc-head yang to his code-head yin, so I hope we've struck the right balance in our narrative of using Web service toolkits over the past four or so years.

We've a Organising Committee right out of the top-drawer and looking at the participants so far, we're going to get many of the right people in the room; quality, if not quantity. Rich Jelliffe citing the excellent RIG profiles, explored some of the reasons why people might not attend. However most of the regrets I've received have been due to travel clashes or budget constraints and all of the reactions I've heard so far have all been all positive towards the Workshop and the W3C for holding it; there certainly seem to be a lot of people interested in the outcome. Should be fun! Be there or be a square-peg!

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